EVO ICL is an implantable lens that your ophthalmologist inserts into your eye just behind the iris to improve vision problems, particularly nearsightedness and astigmatism. The procedure is simple, painless, highly effective, and long-lasting. It’s a convenient way to obtain perfect vision without dealing with removable contact lenses or eyeglasses.
The benefits of choosing EVO ICL lenses include:
● Signifiant vision correction
● Biocompatible collamer materials
● Convenient
● Highly effective results
● High patient satisfaction
● Fast results
● Removable by your doctor if needed
● Ultraviolet (UV) protection
● Undetectable
● Reduced risk of dry eye syndrome
● Exceptional night vision
Unlike other vision correction solutions, EVO ICL contains technology that perfects your vision without removing corneal tissue. EVO ICL lenses are removable by your provider.
If you're looking for a great vision correction option, EVO ICL may be the solution for you.
The NY Partners Ophthalmology team determines if you’re a candidate for EVO ICL after reviewing your symptoms, discussing your medical and eye health histories, completing an eye exam, and guiding you through vision testing.
Once your ophthalmologist determines your vision prescription, they review treatment options with you and let you know what to expect during EVO ICL lens insertion. They tailor each solution based on your treatment preference, eye health, and lifestyle.
After you complete a preoperative eye exam at NY Partners Ophthalmology, your specialist uses eye drops to numb your eyes. They make a tiny incision to insert and properly position an EVO ICL in the appropriate area behind your iris. The procedure lasts about 20-30 minutes and you’ll experience improved vision immediately with minimal recovery time.
After treatment, schedule a post-operative exam and checkup to ensure healing and perfect vision. Don’t hesitate to call the NY Partners Ophthalmology office with any questions you may have.
If at any time you must have an EVO ICL removed, your ophthalmologist can easily do so. Follow up with them periodically to complete routine eye exams and vision screening.